A large number of integrated circuits are used in electronic product components, but most people know that high temperature is the enemy of integrated circuits. High temperature will not only affect the unstable operation of equipment, but also reduce the service life of the equipment, and may even damage some components. Portable devices can also cause damage to the human body, and the heat that causes high temperature does not come from outside the electronic device, but from inside the electronic device or inside the integrated circuit. The effect of the heat dissipation component is to absorb the heat and transfer it to the inside or outside of the device to ensure the normal operation of the temperature of the electronic components.
Because the heat dissipation method can be divided into simple passive heat dissipation and active heat dissipation, the fluid circulation is mainly promoted by external force to take away heat. Forced heat dissipation is based on the principle of thermal expansion and contraction in physics. Fluids naturally circulate heat or use the specific heat capacity of solid fluids to absorb heat to achieve heat dissipation effects. However, heat dissipation methods can also subdivide heat conduction, heat convection, and heat radiation.
Thermally conductive silicone sheets can be applied to the security industry: image processing modules, power boards, barrel cameras, etc. As the security industry slowly develops towards cloud intelligence, the required material quality requirements will be relatively higher, and the functional requirements of thermal silica sheets will also increase accordingly, and the demand will also increase.