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Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider
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The outdoor development activities of the marketing center were a complete success
Source : Company news Edit : Revve New Material Read : 74 Time : 2023-05-22

Ruihua Technology Co., Ltd. recently successfully held an exciting outdoor development activity, aiming at strengthening team cohesion and cooperation spirit. All the staff of the marketing department were invited to participate in the event, creating a positive team atmosphere for the company.

In this outdoor development activity, the participants actively participated in various challenges and teamwork tasks. Through a series of activities such as teamwork, communication and collaboration, the tacit understanding and sense of trust among team members were enhanced. Everyone gave full play to their own advantages, solved problems together, and achieved a series of remarkable results.

This event not only enhanced the mutual understanding and sense of unity and cooperation among team members, but also allowed everyone to gain valuable team experience and personal growth in a pleasant atmosphere. Participants said that through this outdoor development activity, they have a deeper understanding of the strength of the team, and believe that such activities are of great significance for improving team cohesion and work efficiency.

Ruihua Technology Co., Ltd. has always attached great importance to the cultivation of employees' team awareness and cooperation spirit. This outdoor expansion activity has taken an important step towards achieving this goal. In the future, Ruihua Technology will continue to hold various activities to continuously promote teamwork and promote the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Through this outdoor development activity, the marketing department of Ruihua Technology Company showed their team spirit and cooperation ability with a positive attitude. I believe that in the future work, they will contribute more to the development of the company with higher enthusiasm and ability.





REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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