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Diversified application of thermally conductive double-sided adhesive
Source : FAQ Edit : Revve New Material Read : 70 Time : 2023-05-06

Thermally conductive double-sided adhesive can be used for bonding other equipment that requires heat conduction, instead of fixing with screws, it can achieve effective heat dissipation. Today, the editor will take you to understand the diversified application of thermally conductive double-sided adhesive.


Usually, the usage of bonding other heat sinks and heating equipment is very fast. Put the thermally conductive double-sided adhesive between the heat sink and the heat sink, press it firmly, and the heat sink will be firmly fixed on the heat sink. It is simple and quick to use. Conducive to improving production efficiency. Its heat dissipation effect is more obvious than that of ordinary heat dissipation stickers, which greatly improves the life of components, and is the first choice for some excellent electronic products that need heat conduction.

0.15-0.5mm thermally conductive double-sided adhesive can be laminated with release film/paper. Die slices can be made according to customer requirements. The thermally conductive double-sided adhesive is made of glass fiber cloth as the base material, double-sidedly coated with imported thermally conductive mixture and polymer adhesive, and compounded with blue double-sided silicon release film. It has the characteristics of high-performance thermal conductivity and insulation, small thermal resistance, high adhesion, good persistence, strong weather resistance, softness and fit, environmental protection and halogen-free, and easy to use.

It is widely used in bonding heat sinks, heat dissipation modules, CPU microprocessor heat dissipation, LED fluorescent lamp heat dissipation, filling the gap between PCB, metal components and casings, in addition to filling uneven surfaces, it also conducts the heat source out. Even in a confined space, it can be used without changing any components, which fully reflects the thermal conductivity of this material and the convenience of self-adhesive pressure-sensitive tape. Thermally conductive double-sided adhesives are stored at room temperature, 65%RH. It can be used within 12 months after the production date to obtain excellent performance.

REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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