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What are the shielding materials?
Source : Industry News Edit : Revve New Material Read : 69 Time : 2023-05-06

Shielding materials are currently mainly materials used to shield electromagnetic waves. This type of material is divided into many types according to the principle of shielding, the material it is made of and its use. What are the specific shielding materials? At present, there are mainly five types that are more common in the market, namely conductive rubber, conductive foam, metal emi, wave-absorbing materials, and conductive compounding agents. Let's take a closer look at these types of shielding materials.

1. Absorbing material

Absorbing materials are generally sheet-shaped absorbing paper, absorbing pads and the like. This type of shielding material will mix alloy powder and polymer resin into flakes by means of a special process. A shielding effect is achieved by absorbing electromagnetic waves.

2. Conductive foam

Conductive foam is a kind of conductive braid covering the surface of the foam core. Generally, this kind of conductive braid is made of silver-plated nickel nylon, aluminum foil, or nickel-copper alloy. This conductive foam has good elasticity and flexibility. It has good shielding properties and good cost performance in daily use, and is currently a popular shielding material.

3. Metal EMI

Metal emi shielding materials are mainly woven wire mesh, elastomer core wound wire mesh and other products. Generally, conductive glue and mechanical installation are used. Some metal emi will also be embedded in silicone, which can not only shield, but also achieve a sealing effect. In addition, there are clip-on EMI liners, beryllium copper reeds, etc., which are all good metal emis.

4. Conductive rubber

Generally, shielding materials such as conductive rubber are made by using silicone, silicone fluoride and other adhesives combined with pure silver or silver-plated materials as conductive fillers. Since the conductive rubbers contain silver, they should be stored in plastic plates. The shape will be customized according to the scene of use.

5. Conductive compound

Conductive composites mainly refer to conductive adhesives and conductive coatings. In the case of conductive adhesives, silver particles or silver-plated particles are added in addition to the base material. This shielding material can be used for bonding or caulking. Conductive coatings are mainly sprayed to provide corresponding shielding for equipment.

REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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