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Which is better, thermal pad or thermal grease?
Source : Industry News Edit : Revve New Material Read : 56 Time : 2023-05-06

Thermal pads and thermal grease are both materials used to conduct heat and dissipate heat. In the current market, both of these thermally conductive materials are used. However, due to the difference in the production process and materials between them. There are also differences in the use of this thermally conductive material. Which of these two materials is better? It is better to see the difference between the two before you can understand.

So let me first understand this thermal pad, which is a softer material with better thermal conductivity. The composite material is also very insulating. This material is mainly made of boron nitride with high thermal conductivity and polymer silica gel.

Let's take a look at thermal grease, which is a thermally conductive material that uses silicone resin. It has good wettability and is a good application for some uneven contact surfaces.

From the above point of view, both the thermal pad and the thermal grease have their own unique features, and it is impossible to say which one is good or which is bad. Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the two, and then make a further judgment.

In terms of insulation, the insulation of thermal pads is better than that of thermal grease. This is mainly due to the presence of metal in the conductive silicone grease, and the natural insulation is worse. Secondly, when using it, the silicone gasket is more convenient, because it can be cut according to the size. The thermal conductive silicone grease needs to be carefully applied. Otherwise, the components will be dirty, or even a short circuit will occur.

In addition, in terms of service life, because the thermal pad is solid, and the thermal grease is a solid-liquid mixed material, the silicone oil of the silicone grease is more volatile. Therefore, the thermal conductive silicone grease is prone to aging after being used for a long time, and the service life is shorter. Another thing is the thermal conductivity. Under the same thermal conductivity, the thermal conductivity of the thermal pad is worse than that of the thermal grease. This is mainly due to the small thermal resistance of thermal grease.

The characteristics of the two have their own advantages. If you say which is better, the thermal pad or the thermal grease? It still depends on the scene you use, and which aspects of the thermal conductive material have higher requirements.

REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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