Electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by electromagnetic wave radiation will not only affect the normal operation of various electronic devices, but also be harmful to human health. As plastic products gradually replace traditional materials, electromagnetic shielding technology is becoming more and more important. Today, I will take you to understand the application of wave-absorbing materials.
Application range of absorbing materials
There are many tall buildings in the city, and the reflection of electromagnetic waves by tall buildings will cause ghosting. Applying absorbing materials to building materials can solve this problem. The microwave anechoic chamber made of absorbing materials can be widely used in radar, communication and aerospace fields. In addition, absorbing materials also have a broad application space in improving the compatibility of airborne and airborne radar equipment and improving the performance of the whole machine. .
On the surface of various radar targets, absorbing materials are coated to reduce the effective reflection section of the weapon system, so that these weapons can easily break through the defense zone of the enemy's radar. This is a powerful means of anti-radar reconnaissance, and also reduces the One way to suffer from infrared guided missiles and laser weapons. Absorbing materials can also be used in airport navigation equipment such as landing lights, ship masts, decks, submarine periscope brackets or ventilation ducts, etc. Applying wave-absorbing materials to various electronic products, such as TVs, LED displays, stereos, VCD players, computers, digital cameras, game consoles, microwave ovens, and mobile phones, can reduce electromagnetic wave leakage to the national health and safety limit (10 microwatts per square centimeter) to ensure human health. Applying it to high-power radars, microwave anechoic chambers, microwave medical devices, microwave crushers, and electronically compatible absorption shields can protect operators from electromagnetic radiation.
Today, the application of absorbing materials in Japan and some developed countries has reached a wide range. So far, our Chinese market has gradually introduced absorbing materials into practical products. It is predicted that the scale of demand in the Chinese market will be equal to that of Japan, and may even surpass Japan next year. In daily life, such as smart payment mobile phones, POS machines, various smart cards, RFID radio frequency cards, RFID readers, card readers, various smart access control, WIF, antennas, etc., almost everyone in the streets. In the future, people will have greater demand for these and use them more and more frequently. In addition, the demand for anechoic chambers in China has increased sharply, and the prospect of composite absorbing materials is promising.