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Revve New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider
Thermally conductive silicone grease helps smart speakers improve heat dissipation efficiency and enhance system stability
Source : 3C electronics Edit : Revve New Material Read : 55 Time : 2023-05-06

Everyone knows that smart speakers usually generate a certain amount of heat. If they are used for a long time and the heat dissipation is not good, it may affect the performance and life of the device. Therefore, heat conduction and heat dissipation are important issues that need to be considered in the design of smart speakers. In order to solve this problem, smart speakers usually use aluminum alloy shells or cooling holes to increase the heat dissipation area and ventilation effect. In addition, materials such as thermal conductive silicone grease can also be used inside to improve heat dissipation efficiency.


Thermally conductive silicone grease is a material with excellent thermal conductivity, which can be filled between the chip and the heat sink to improve heat dissipation efficiency.

The advantages of using thermal grease in smart speakers include:

1. Improve heat dissipation efficiency:

Thermally conductive silicone grease can quickly transfer the heat generated by the chip to the heat sink, thereby improving the heat dissipation efficiency of the entire system.

2. Lower the temperature:

The use of thermal grease can effectively reduce the temperature of the chip and reduce the risk of equipment failure.

3. Increase stability:

The use of thermal grease in smart speakers can improve the stability and reliability of the system, and avoid problems such as device crashes or data loss caused by overheating.

The application of thermal conductive silicone grease in smart speakers can effectively improve heat dissipation efficiency, reduce equipment temperature, and increase system stability and reliability. It is a very practical and easy-to-use thermal conductive material.

REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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