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Revve New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider
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good news! Won the national high-tech enterprise certificate
Source : Company news Edit : Revve New Material Read : 57 Time : 2018-05-22

On October 31, 2017, Shenzhen Ruihua Coating Technology Co., Ltd. won the "High-tech Enterprise" certificate and was at the forefront of domestic counterparts. The certificate is jointly issued by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, the Shenzhen Finance Committee, the Shenzhen Municipal State Taxation Bureau, and the Shenzhen Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, and is valid for three years.

The identification of high-tech enterprises is a comprehensive evaluation and identification of the company's core independent intellectual property rights, transformation capabilities of scientific and technological achievements, organization and management level of research and development, growth indicators and talent structure. Get the strong support and recognition of the country. This high-tech enterprise certification will have a potential role in enhancing Ruihua Technology's industry status, establishing a brand image and promoting business growth.

As a research and development company mainly producing PET release film, PET protective film and PET ultra-thin double-sided tape, our company has owned a 10,000-level clean coating workshop and equipped with multiple high-performance rewinding and cutting machines since its establishment. Equipment, committed to creating an innovation and development platform for precision coating applications, developed a variety of new products, and provided services for thousands of users. In terms of the transformation of technological achievements, our company has been favored by many large enterprises in the industry by virtue of its high-tech research and development level, high-quality product features, and high reputation in the industry.

Ruihua Technology is currently in a stage of rapid development. In recent years, Ruihua Technology has successively obtained "ISO 9001 Quality System Certification" and "ISO 14001 Environmental System Certification". It will surely further promote the process of independent innovation and independent research and development of our company, which is another milestone in the development history of our company.


REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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