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Revve New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider
Revve new material thermal interface material provides thermal conductivity and heat dissipation solutions for automotive domain controllers
Source : New Energy Vehicle Edit : Revve New Material Read : 53 Time : 2023-05-06

The domain controller is a large black box that integrates the software functions of discrete electronic control units, and the electronic and electrical architecture based on "domain" has also begun to appear. Car smart cockpits generally have one or more domain controllers. With the advent of autonomous driving, the heat dissipation requirements of domain controllers are still increasing. In the future, not only the main chip needs heat dissipation, but also power supplies or independent visual image processing chips. Cooling requirements.


The DCU integration of automobile domain controllers is a development trend. The integration of automobile domain controllers is getting higher and higher, which makes the power consumption of automobile domain controller chips higher and higher, which in turn leads to the development of automobile domain controller chips. The heat is getting bigger and bigger. Numerous devices are concentrated in a highly sealed metal casing, and the air flow in the casing is poor. Some devices with high heat generation, such as chips, CPU/GPU, etc., cannot guarantee normal operation only through their own heat dissipation. It is necessary to attach a heat sink made of aluminum alloy on the heat source and add a thermal interface material between the two to transfer the heat generated by the heat source.


Cars contain more and more functions, among which comfort, safety and reliability are particularly important. The thermal interface materials used in domain controllers mainly recommend thermal conductive silicone sheets and thermal gels. The thermal conductivity of thermal conductive silicone sheets is generally 1.5W/mk~8W/mk, good electrical insulation, and is a cost-effective thermal filler. Seaming material, its flexible, elastic characteristics allow it to be used to cover very uneven surfaces.

The thermal conductivity of thermally conductive gels is generally 1.5W/mk~5W/mk. In automotive applications, vibration tests are required, so two-component thermally conductive gels are generally selected. After mixing in equal proportions, they can be cured under certain conditions to meet Vertical shock and vibration requirements. After the material is applied, it will remain solid at room temperature, which can achieve a good insulation effect. It can also be coated with adhesive layers of various thicknesses, and it is also very compatible with heat dissipation in the control area.

REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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