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Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider
Soft heat-conducting silicone sheet helps car driving recorder to dissipate heat quickly
Source : New Energy Vehicle Edit : Revve New Material Read : 47 Time : 2023-05-06

With the gradual increase of vehicles and the chaotic traffic in the city, more and more riders are beginning to understand that only by retaining evidence can they better protect their legal rights on the road. Moreover, with the addition of "touching porcelain" in recent years, many car fans must have suffered from it. Therefore, the driving recorder seems to have become a driving tool that every car just needs, but the problem of heat dissipation is always a problem. A top priority, so today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction to the application of the heat conduction and heat dissipation of the heat conduction silicone sheet on the driving recorder.


Because many driving recorders now need the function of recording 720P or 1080P high-definition video in high-definition, the calculation and processing data volume of the main components is very large, and the heat generation is relatively large. If the key components are not cooled, recording The instrument will stop running, stop recording, restart, and even seriously burn out.


And the design manufacturers of driving recorders will encounter a problem when designing the product structure: how to conduct heat quickly in a small and closed space to achieve heat dissipation effect, and at this time, it is necessary to have the design of thermal silica gel sheet and shielding cover . First of all, the heat-conducting silicone sheet conducts the heat of DSP and DDR to the shield, and then radiates the heat to the air through the shield and conducts heat dissipation to the ground layer of the motherboard.

Therefore, under the trend of more integrated and multi-functional driving recorder chips, the product functions and thermal conductivity of thermal silica sheets are more and more stringent. And Ruiwei new material soft heat conduction silicone sheet is suitable for heat conduction products used in driving recorders. The price-performance ratio is high among products with similar performance, and it is very good in terms of product life and working stability. The soft thermally conductive silicone sheet is very suitable for driving recorders, set-top boxes, routers and other electronic devices with small parts that generate heat.

Product Features:

Good thermal conductivity: 1.2W/mK;

Fire rating: UL94-V0;

With self-adhesive without additional surface adhesive;

Various thickness options are available: 0.5mm-5.0mm;

High compressibility, soft and elastic, suitable for low pressure applications.


REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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