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Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider
The importance of applying thermal conductive potting adhesive to the cooling system of new energy vehicles
Source : New Energy Vehicle Edit : Revve New Material Read : 51 Time : 2023-05-06

Under the trend of energy saving and consumption reduction, the field of new energy vehicles has ushered in unprecedented opportunities for development. Among them, new energy electric vehicles use rechargeable batteries and motor energy conversion system software to replace other driving mechanisms such as fuel engines and transmissions in the past. Therefore, Being able to effectively reduce the dependence on other renewable resources such as crude oil as much as possible has become an important reason for the particularly strong development trend in recent years.


In the pure electric vehicle industry, because the composition and design of key components are very different from fuel vehicles, the corresponding raw material requirements are also very different, especially in some new key components, many new needs have been formed, such as: new adhesive Adhesives, sealants, magnetic shielding materials, etc. Due to the design of new energy electric vehicles, many components must be strictly thermally rectified, such as: rechargeable batteries, motor control, motors, and on-board multimedia. Fire risk.


Advantages of heat-conducting potting glue The current magnetic shielding materials used in the heat treatment of the whole vehicle include: heat-conducting silicone sheet, heat-transfer insulating layer material, heat-conducting potting glue, and heat-transfer caulking material. Among them, the heat-conducting potting glue is mainly used in the heat transfer of lithium battery packs, magnetic cores and other electronic devices, and has the advantages of high viscosity, low density, and high permeability. It is liquid and has flowability before solidification, so it provides a good heat dissipation effect relative to air source heat pumps.

The polymer system will dry out after pouring, and maintain deep contact with continuous heating electronic components and heat sinks. At the same time, it has anti-leakage, heat transfer, information security, corrosion resistance, anti-fouling, and insulation Layer, high temperature resistance, earthquake resistance. In this way, the heat-conducting potting compound can more effectively prolong battery life and magnetic cores, and greatly improve the stability of electronic equipment in harsh environments. The protection force also has an anti-seismic effect to prevent internal moisture and better withstand thermal shocks Level, corrosion resistance to the erosion of the power supply improves the service life of the product. At the same time, electronic equipment can operate under high power, and the ambient temperature becomes much lower than before.

Overview The core characteristics of thermal conductive potting compound:

Good thermal conductivity: 1.0~2.8W/mK;

Flame resistance class UL94V0;

Working temperature -40℃ to +200℃;

Storage period: 12 months in an airtight container at 25°C;

Good insulation performance, smooth surface;

Good solvent resistance and waterproof performance;

Excellent thermal shock resistance;

Lower viscosity, easy gas release.


REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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