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Revve New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider
Artificial intelligence heat dissipation design, thermal interface materials come to the aid
Source : 5G Communication Edit : Revve New Material Read : 52 Time : 2023-05-06

Artificial intelligence is a discipline, and robots, unmanned driving, etc. are all related applications. Simply using storage robots, the previous warehouse management was mainly manpower. Large and small machines, equipment and personnel In warehouse operations, there are other hidden dangers besides manpower efficiency, and warehouse robots can operate under the command of the system, which can not only improve work efficiency, but also avoid accidents caused by personnel collisions with machinery and equipment, so now So that the future storage robot is the key point of the development of the logistics storage industry.


There are still many technical applications in society that depend on the development of artificial intelligence, such as medical robots, industrial assembly line robots, LED industry, etc., and even the mobile phones and computers that people usually use have related applications, so the development of artificial intelligence has promoted Social development. Therefore, artificial intelligence is called the new engine of economic development, so it puts forward higher requirements for its overall thermal management solution.


A robot is composed of many components. They have a clear division of labor, so that the robot can maintain effective operation, but if there is a problem with one component, it will affect other components, resulting in the inability of the robot to operate, and heat dissipation is the main factor affecting the machine equipment. One of the factors is that heat is unavoidable when the machine is running, because it will generate heat when the current passes through the resistor, so the key is how to effectively dissipate heat.

There is a gap between the heat source and the radiator. If there is direct contact, the heat dissipation effect will be reduced. Even if there are two smooth and flat surfaces, there are some potholes, and air is a poor conductor of heat, so the heat transfer efficiency At this time, it is necessary to fill the gap between the two with thermally conductive material to cover the potholes between the gaps, remove the interface air, reduce the contact thermal resistance, improve the heat transfer efficiency, thereby improving the heat dissipation effect, so that the machine equipment can be stable and reliable for a long time keep running. As a supplier with a good reputation, Ruiwei New Materials can meet the needs of power supply manufacturers. Commonly used materials for heat dissipation solutions include thermally conductive silicone sheets, thermally conductive insulating sheets, and thermally conductive silicone grease, which are used for power and heat sinks with relatively large resistance and heat. between.


REVVE New Material
Thermal (TIM) and EMI Solutions Provider


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